
Have you realised yet that you have the ability to access an inner strength?

It may have been felt before in your life when you have undergone huge struggles and challenges. It is the strength that comes from nowhere when you are at your lowest. The strength that carries you through those times, and surprises you in helping you to survive.

Did you know that power is also available to you in normal life?

You don’t need to be at your lowest point to access it. You only need to know it is there and get out of your own way to receive it.

Inside of you is a knowledge and inspiration that can change your life. If wealth is currency then you can tap into the river flowing through you to lead you into true happiness.

We see it – happiness portrayed on adverts, the 2D version of happiness that material things can buy you. The kind of fleeting happiness that sails past on a billboard. We have all experienced the buzz of buying something new, only to look at it 6 months later as ‘that old thing’.

What we want now is more than 2 or 3D happiness. We want to go into the other dimensions of happiness, we want 4D, 5D, 12D .. the ones that don’t fade. The kind of happiness that keeps on growing and expanding beyond time and space.

So how do we achieve this? Where do we find that inner power?

It is simpler than you think, although it takes work. That is something you are used to, are you not? If you are here to take the red pill and expect it all to magically happen then you will be waiting a long time. Though it is magical and you can make it happen.

It starts with something so simple: looking for it.

To find the strength you have inside, you need to start looking inside. The way to do that is to quieten your mind so you can start to see what is there beyond the thoughts.

Our brains are so busy keeping us busy that we have no time to think of who we are. We are not our minds. Our minds are an organ like all the others. We are not fixated on what our liver, or our kidney is doing. Though we believe we are our thoughts. We give them a power that they do not deserve.

When you first start to sit in silence and go inside, all you can hear is the tremulous churning of the mind. Though with practice and patience that starts to quieten down.

And practice is needed, as in anything else you want to master. If we want to gain proficiency, we need to put the time in, we need to train.

Once our mind is out of the way what do we find?

Our true beauty and strength, something so incredible it takes the breath away. And it is always there. You cannot lose your connection to that inner strength. Only your thoughts can distract you from it and lead you to believe you are somehow limited.

They are only thoughts. And once you realise you have 100% control over them, your life can change. Imagine a place where you had space between your thoughts. Where they passed by without needing your attention. Where you have true peace of mind.

The first step is to start sitting in silence daily.

Meditate – focus on a candle, your breath, an inspiring sentence, choose a method that suits you. Even if you start with 5 minutes. Remember that like anything it takes practise, and the most surprising thing that nobody ever tells you about meditating is that at the beginning it feels boring. You may feel like you are wasting your time, that there is something more important and dynamic that you should be doing. Remember there is nothing more important than your inner strength. Just keep bringing your attention back to your breath. It takes dedication, though quickly you will find it easier and easier.

Once you sit in silence you can start to hear your real true voice, not the chattering of the mind. The inner voice that belongs to the power and strength inside of you. From this space of silence you have an inspired connection to yourself. This is an extremely powerful place to operate from. Stillness is food for your soul.

The more you train this, the easier it is to access it. You will feel an expansion and a calm in your body. This is when you have connected to your inner power and from here any actions you take will be inspired. Any urges, impulses or feelings are here for you to follow.

We have within us what we need to take the next step. When we stop and Listen.

Remember you are an infinite, incredible being here to do amazing things.