Take away the “shoulds” to reduce anxiety

Take away the “shoulds” to reduce anxiety

We got so locked in what we “should” be doing. Our mind takes us into the future and into the past all the time. Its job is to keep our attention away from the present moment. As within the present moment it looses its power to hold you. To keep you...
How to get your dream life

How to get your dream life

‘What for you is a “dream life?” Often we think about material things. What we would like to “get” that we think will make us feel happier. But I am asking you to go deeper. How do you imagine your dream life will make you feel? What is...
Dealing with Imposter Syndrome.

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome.

Most people have experienced feelings that they may not be qualified for a role, or fear that they may not be able to live up to expectations when required to stretch out of their comfort at work, especially when taking on a new role. Some people continue to feel the...