
Part of being a human being is having strong emotions. Though we are not taught how to handle them.

We go to school when we are young to learn academic studies, though as far as emotions are concerned we are not given a way to be able to process them.

We are not taught what to do with panic, fear, anxiety, anger and sadness.

To be able to understand what they bring to us and how to learn to find the gold within everything we feel.

Often we try to squash our emotions, to deny them and to resist them altogether.

We welcome the strong emotions that feel good, though if we have emotions that feel uncomfortable, we put up barriers and often end up feeding the emotion through our resistance.

“I don’t want to feel like this”

“Why am I feeling like this?”

“I am so stupid/weak etc. because I feel like this”

We tend to beat ourselves up for having these feelings at all. We are sold the idea that we have to be only “high vibe”.

Though it is part of living as a human being on this 3-dimensional planet. We are at this moment living in Duality, and that brings with it light/dark, hot/cold, up/down. This is changing, though right now we are still in Duality.

So, all feelings we experience are natural and normal, yet some are so uncomfortable and at times hard to bare.

Emotions are energy.

E-motion, energy in motion. The ‘lighter” emotions feel great. To feel love, joy, pleasure is one of the best parts about being a human. This energy through our body feels so good. To be all consumed by these feels amazing.

Though the “heavier” energies can feel overwhelming, too much.  It can be that we get stuck in them.

And it is these ones that it would be helpful to find ways to let go of easier. To have space from. To process rather than be drowned by.

So how can we live with these? How can we change them from being overwhelming and all consuming, to being a gift? To be able to have an easier life.

It is going to feel weird at first when you decide to change a habit of a lifetime. A set of reactions and behaviours that you probably picked up when you were a child.

I believe that one of the most important things we should be teaching our children is how to regulate and handle their emotions and mental health.

We find a way of creating survival mechanisms through childhood that can actually be holding us back from the very life we aspire too when we are adults.

So how do we find ways to be able to handle emotions? What tools can you use to help you process through situations rather than getting stuck or caught up in a tidal wave of feelings.

The first thing is to forgive yourself for having the feeling, often we beat ourselves up for feeling that way, feel sorry for ourselves, become the victim of what is happening.

When we forgive ourselves in that moment, a powerful shift of energy can start to happen. We allow in a new vibration.

The next powerful option available to you is to take away the thing that feeds the feeling. That continues it’s power and can get it to repeat and repeat until it feels unbearable.

Some of the things that can feed the emotion are; the thoughts behind it, and the energy given to it.

Wherever we put our attention, we put our energy.

Often we either have a story running the emotion (fears/what if’s, your imagination of the worst outcome) or we attach a story to the feeling (I must be feeling this because….)

Either way your brain is not working for you at that moment. It is feeding the emotion. Creating more fear, anxiety, sadness and resistance.

We can bring ourselves into the present moment, come back to what actually IS, rather than the projected idea of what the future may bring/the past has done.

There is so much power and peace that we can access through bringing your mind into the NOW.

We can allow ourselves to feel it, without fearing it. Often it is the fear of the emotion that only helps to grow the emotion.

If we realise it is just energy and it will pass, that this feeling cannot stay as all feelings are transient. That by allowing it to be there without resistance it can move through quicker.

We can help this by changing our state intentionally, fitness, walking in nature, breathwork, any form of physical activity can help process the emotion through your system faster.

By taking some action to shift your thoughts and your physical state we can help support ourselves through these powerful emotions.

We can understand that they are also a doorway for you to take back your own sovereignty, and this is an opportunity to love yourself deeper. To accept and forgive yourself for being a human.

We are energetic beings, and right now while we are in 3dimensions, it is normal and natural to experience all feelings.

Move your body to help release the heavier feelings, and by bringing yourself back to THIS VERY MOMENT, we can let them go easier.

Embrace and give energy to the ones that make you feel GOOD. Give them more focus and energy, we as a society tend to focus on the negative.

Start allowing yourself to pour you energy and time into the things that are going well in your life, all the things that are beautiful in your life. As the more energy you give to these emotions, the more they will grow.

Choose. Allow. Accept. Forgive. Create.